
UF College of Dentistry

Advanced Education 1-Year Fellowships

An educational experience that lasts one year and includes limited patient care. Fellowships are open to any dentist with a dental degree (U.S./International) and specialty training. The topic is a special-interest area in your specialty.


Advanced Education 1-Year Fellowships

Advanced Education 1-Year Fellowship


For US and International Dental Graduates with specialty training
Application Deadline: January 31
Program Dates: July 1 – June 30
Location: Gainesville, Florida

ADVANCED EDUCATION 1-year Fellowship

Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

For US and International Dental Graduates with specialty training
Application Deadline: January 31
Program Dates: July 1 – June 30
Location: Gainesville, Florida



For US and International Dental Graduates with specialty training
Application Deadline: January 31
Program Dates: July 1 – June 30
Location: Gainesville, Florida


Advanced Dental Education

Completing a Fellowship

Completion of the Continuing Education Internship Program is an educational goal in itself, and in no way insures acceptance to a Postgraduate Residency Program. Although many resources will be provided by the selected Department, this is a Continuing Education program and is not listed on the University of Florida Registrar’s records.